Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts


Featured Nik_Gold Design Gold Metallic Earrings... in the corner the Tassel Earrings in colors (Green, Blue, Red still for sale $$$)


My healthy obesession with tattoos isn't too much...
However it's enough for when I'm older my tattoos will have their time and while I'm young
I will still with no doubt be a "tatted individual".
I don't know this generations' craze with tattoos in dept. I love sleeves but they are not the best on everyone.
And everyone is not creative enough to make a whole arm of artwork.
With my finishing my sleeve (shoulder-sleeve) this month,
I put in a lot of thought into what I would gladly grow old with displayed on my body.
My art laid out for the world to see, and when I'm breastfeeding my children what thoughts pop into my head.
So hell no.
 No Hello Kitty
and all that crap.
1. My mom would cut it off my arm
2. It costs too much for removal
3. Why go through the pain in the first place?

Tattoos are PERMANENT,
remember that.
This generations is going to have a lot of tattooed grandma's and inked up grandpa's -_-

My twin @fyoi_ty 's sleeve.


Keep it classy yet creative.
It's ALL you.