well I let it go
that old saying if you trully love it let it go and if it comes back its true?
well when it flies back I still dont have a grip nor do I want one
no thats a bold face lie
Its just about being comfortable with it
Dont want to feel sick deep loving into it.
Something that close to you can surely harm you....
so for me the next step isnt loving but trust making
im not talking about catch-me excercises.
im talking about true life and whatever garbage is thrown your way trust.
when that test is passed its freedom and bliss
something my butt cant dismiss
you can deny lust but never true blue love
Just waiting to travel up the hood path with extra leverage of experience and Godly knowledge.
that would be greeaaaaaaaaaaaaattt.
--The coming attraction
WHAT, the main feature.
SO thick will ability
Is it in your facilty?--