
You aren't the first/last person to try and hurt me with words.
Sticks and stones.

Some old blog headers.
I went through (and am still going through) phases of my life 
and my headers are a direct reflection of the posts on my blog, my outlook and what type of mood I'm in for that time period. I love headers for blogs instead of regular fonts. They are a little more personal and stylish.

Untamed and Destructive

Guys have more control over females then they think.
And not always over the ones they want the most but the ones that want them.
Then emotions start to get involved
And Lord knows what goes down when female emotions are involved.
Just too much.
Me, being a relatively drama free person despises all of the unnecessary production
The extra emotions no one asked for
The surplus of estrogen left over and running wild like split ends.
I tend to back out of situations I am no longer comfortable in and see no point in even wasting another molecule of breath
But things are never that simple
Sticky and tend to leave mud footprints looping in sloppy circles
But messing with my aura is like messing with my emotions
And then the beast arrives
No guy can tame.


Cool day
Warm sweater
Nice watch
All smiles...

Even in high school when girls were beginning to wear heels to the club and stumble into interviews in some never-wear-again pumps I was strutting all over my stomping ground in 4 inches or higher. It was more so because my mother wouldn't buy me Jordans like everyone else in New York was wearing and I was not wearing some cheap flats she brought from Payless. It helped that I was always in some type of fashion show and was labeled the girl that dressed "weird". Now dressing "weird" is in and I'm like wah?
But flats for me have never changed. Mostly because I never find ones stylish enough. I skipped across some leopard Steve Madden ones a couple of years back but those are gone with the wind. The ones pictured above though? I'd do some damage...

How I feel some parts of my life are.
No one but I will go through the BS I get dealt.
So don't blame me for handling it any which way.
If the tables were turned you'd have your censored moments too.


In one of these moods

just to balance the new with the old...


More than Everything

The Key

Maybe it's just me 
But I've always had some problems.
Stubborn, Too amiable too often, Not pushing myself.
Yada Yada (The list goes on)
What I've realized as I've gotten older is you have to face these things
you do worst in order to get over them.
By indulging in your weakness you hinder your true potential 
and that's something I have no time for.
I also realized I love being challenged and having that extra push to prove
So laying back relaxing is NOT the move.
But then again... maybe it's just me.


Pre-dyed blue denim vest
I studded and spiked.

I previously dyed this denim vest, felt like it wouldn't be used enough in my wardrobe with something so simple. Spiced it up with some studs and spikes from some jewelry I was making!
