Showing posts with label journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journey. Show all posts


As sickening as this sounds,

As sickening as this sounds, I love but I want to love more.
Meet someone I love till I cant love no more
Appreciate my presence,
Appreciates my style and effort
Recognizes the beauty in my bad angles.
Can't get enough of me
Repeatedly reminds me how special I am
... to them
Loves me unconditionally.
Hates to argue.
Loves to talk
Treats me the best
The best to where I'm afraid to lose because I KNOW
there is nothing else.
Smokes and listens to the Weeknd unintentionally
or maybe Carl Thomas or maybe some Marsha
some Legend, lifting me off my feet
as we chat about everyone wanting to be different
Inspiring each other by the every other word we speak
Needlessly needing to know everyone in each others life
Forgiving to forget
Forgetting nothing but the past that doesnt relate
Finding more attractive people and still realizing the importance of one another
Licking away milktaches
and riding on top of cars.
Making memories without Kodaks
Each other's biggest fan
Always staying cool while making each other hot.
A constant lust and reminder of passion
And life in the now.
So good that all you can do is appreciate it and hate it when it leaves.
But that is essentially what is it
Like - > Love - > Admire - > Hurt - > Hate
"Hey" someone new and the cycle starts over again.
This time we are eager yet bitter
a little harder to please
needs another puff 
another sipp to take it all in.
Ready for the ending
Anticipating the new beginning.
As sickening as this sounds.
Is it wrong?
