
It feels like it has been light years since the last time I've posted, forget a meaningful tweet or checking my emails =/
But I will be back, I keep reminding myself improvements are only an arms length away but they need to shorten the distance a bit!

Hows everyone's summer???
Not saying I'm not enjoying every last second but this summer is going so quick!!!
Or maybe I am just a lot busier this summer.
Whatever the reasoning, have a great one...

Oh and happy July 4th!!!


) from Matt McCoy on Vimeo.

I'm pretty happy with this video and the concept, lovely duo -eh

This song has been playing in my head all day, love, love, loveee.

I've been waiting on you! Finally, pretty good. See a little more of Frank Ocean then featured in Tyler, the Creator hmmm nice.


Quite contrar, and just because I love this song =]

The one thing I've learned about an outfit is confidence, learned, not heard. When you exude confidence it makes a BIG difference. So no matter what character you feel like portraying today. #KILLIT

Spot: Fiance, Kris is always wearing a white shirt =|

I've been into a lot of west coast music lately, well my whole summer playlist has been based off of it. Below are some vids depicting the beginning of my summer.


The Summer/May Issue of Levitate Magazine. I had the privilege of covering a page!  

"Nicole Ayilola also known as Nik_gold is one unique 19 year old junior and goal orientated diva at Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC. Born and raised in Queens, New York and is currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia, her major is Digital media with a minor in Business Adminsitration. She loves to read, cook, travel and blog about fashion or poetry. You can visit her blog at www.niksogoldienox.blogspot.com or twitter @nik_gold.

She wants to become a news anchor and eventually establish her own in store/online boutique and mass media production company. For Nik_gold, fashion and journalism are not only a love but a catapult and motivator for her many talents in life."

I was really excited to be featured in a magazine, it's not my first time and most definitely not my last. I won't ever let small goal consume my hopes and dreams and differ me from continuing on my path. I bought about 5 copies so I got to give/sell/market them out!!! 

Even the clouds struggle to cover the sunlight