how the pages have changed in a mere dreary (not literally) couple of days.
The little communication i have on the computer has shown so many people's true colors.
Its like i try to open up to people and they constantly shut me down...
SOooo.. thats the end i guess.
Accept of course the person who is always there for me even though all the details of my life don't touch thee ear. sigh*
And my friends here in the boondocks have been non-existent since my sister came, but i have to say thats partly my fault wanting to feel more isolated then i already feel.
My only vice is my music which i dosed myself in over the couple of days, but even the melancholy beats cant express my feelings so my pen meets my paper once again which seems like my feelings never stop flooding once they start... and my lil ol fingers never write fast enough..
But as it seems to be all going under a bright light illuminates in the darkness *
no lie but it seems like everytime im about to like pack it up someone or something brightens my day.
It seems like the one thing i want back the most,, idk..
Cause i thought i solved my side of the puzzle and it seems like foreverrrr (but its been like 2-3 days) smh. My heads like a 24/7 clocker. like wtf?
who lives like thisss?
Why i never did relationships in the past. Like Mary J Blige's song (hurt again), about her seeing everything wrong in them so not wanting to put her foot in them or w.e (yeah same thing)
ughh well let me get back to this resume and change my profile song b4 i cry, (wtf?)
me and the goon walkin around SoNo, Georgia (yeah thats a real place =X)
anddddddd, the window of lighttt opennssss. lol '0=)'
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