kk so the deal is i haven't had a phone in what feels like 3months
and in a sense i don't want one cause i feel tracked down;;
well same thing with this internet and comp thing.
like i sorta want to break it again
so i dont have to be clockinin or just feel attached to something soooo
so basically the warning is im fasting or w.e
and maybe in this sense when i come back on, ill have like a million comments or w.e
so basically im untouchable if you dont have my house #
in a way im trapped cause the internet is my music source
i dont listen to the radio
(hate georgia personalities)
but in a sense i guess ill live
cause w.o the comp phone or w.e i get creative on my own
having to comfort myself or be "in person" with whoever is entertaining me,
i know however this is going to be hard
because im gonna be wondering whos talkin to who, what is he/she doing
but truthfully ill get over it
cause in order to strengthn anything or friendship (or more) i have with you guys on (www)
i have to strengthm myself
(or w.e that means,, i guess ill figure that out , cause def got that from my sis breakin up with former hubby)
and now that shes going back to ny its gonna be even harder.
But i guess like Sam ill just recieve a more outgoing...interesting busy life
like the one i had in ny
cause to tell you the truth i do nothing
and thats basically why i have nothing to say..
so with that i part.
much love and animosity
see you in a couple of longgg hardddd weeks. lol
visit the space (www.myspace.com/na318) so, "when i come back on, ill have like a million comments or w.e" will happen.
lol kk?
;;took a pic with me and the dress before i return it for a pair of skinny ymi gray jeansss. lol in love already. =]
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