
Snakeskin oh My!

I love this video! Beyonce's complexion is flawless =] I know a lot of people sing-a-long to this song, it's very real, toooo real and always true to the heart.

I love Fabulous! His new video "Pain". Sorry but the video is basic =/

-Thank you

I like a little blue too


It feels like it has been light years since the last time I've posted, forget a meaningful tweet or checking my emails =/
But I will be back, I keep reminding myself improvements are only an arms length away but they need to shorten the distance a bit!

Hows everyone's summer???
Not saying I'm not enjoying every last second but this summer is going so quick!!!
Or maybe I am just a lot busier this summer.
Whatever the reasoning, have a great one...

Oh and happy July 4th!!!


) from Matt McCoy on Vimeo.

I'm pretty happy with this video and the concept, lovely duo -eh

This song has been playing in my head all day, love, love, loveee.

I've been waiting on you! Finally, pretty good. See a little more of Frank Ocean then featured in Tyler, the Creator hmmm nice.


Quite contrar, and just because I love this song =]

The one thing I've learned about an outfit is confidence, learned, not heard. When you exude confidence it makes a BIG difference. So no matter what character you feel like portraying today. #KILLIT