Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts


More Than A Resolution!


2012 has been some year. Words cannot even explain it. I have grown and watched the world change rapidly around me. As long as I have been alive I have the same two qualities I'd love to hate, actually I'm pretty sure I hate both. That's why I'm making a change, more than a resolution but a positive change for the betterment of my life.

Between situations changing rapidly and more and more people I know just leaving Earth without notice I know how precious this life we have is. Honestly, the present is a present and people take it for granted *raises hand* I do too.

Between procrastinating and the depressing feeling of contentment and over thinking or stressing over the  BS life throws your way from time to time, one of the quicksand potholes will have you preaching "Tomorrow is a new day" instead of "Just do it" or "Now is the time!"

I realized this life is a blank canvas, every second and experience we have paints our canvas and makes it dense with intensity, lessons and the true stains of life. I'm ready for the journey and truly tired of being tired. Sleep is the cousin of death and procrastination is the devil whispering in your ear. 

Learn and live _GOLD.


While I was lounging on a patio at the 12 hotel a couple of days ago, at a kickback with a few close and a few new friends, I was informed there was a death at the W Hotel. A reckless and devastating fall in the midst of a alleged play fight, left a 30 year old mother of a 15 year old dead on a balcony floors down from where the fight started and her friend in the hospital. I was shocked and in dismay how close it was to home, how close it was to where I was currently standing. Backing up from the patio my night ended shortly after. 

"You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.  "


thee saddest post.

RIP Trevayne Cozart

wow, way too young.
i just saw this boy the other day. =/
i wanted to talk to him but he past me and kept walking.

i didn't know much about him...

I did know he was chill, known and from Georgia'
He didn't seem to get in much trouble and now i feel so slow for not taking the time out to get to know him.

Not that there would be a difference in my sadness
A. Want to know someone but cant cause you waited too long and life is too short?
B. Know someone cherish them and have them taken away from you in a blink of an eye?

Not that i drink but if i did this would be the moment to do so.
Its crazy i never knew/spoke to anyone that passed before.
they say the best leave first**

live life n enjoy every moment,