Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts


More Than A Resolution!


2012 has been some year. Words cannot even explain it. I have grown and watched the world change rapidly around me. As long as I have been alive I have the same two qualities I'd love to hate, actually I'm pretty sure I hate both. That's why I'm making a change, more than a resolution but a positive change for the betterment of my life.

Between situations changing rapidly and more and more people I know just leaving Earth without notice I know how precious this life we have is. Honestly, the present is a present and people take it for granted *raises hand* I do too.

Between procrastinating and the depressing feeling of contentment and over thinking or stressing over the  BS life throws your way from time to time, one of the quicksand potholes will have you preaching "Tomorrow is a new day" instead of "Just do it" or "Now is the time!"

I realized this life is a blank canvas, every second and experience we have paints our canvas and makes it dense with intensity, lessons and the true stains of life. I'm ready for the journey and truly tired of being tired. Sleep is the cousin of death and procrastination is the devil whispering in your ear. 

Learn and live _GOLD.


Your bliss in this year will not be self consciously dismissed*

Chrysler Reflection Pictures, Images and Photos

Lets start a new =) (my terrified face her funny one)

My longest blog title so far. But i mean it.
This year we cannot dismiss our hopes and dreams to achieve common and under the limit goals.
Undermining our boundaries, capabilities and aimless titles of reconstruction.
We can do it all we say to ourselfs the first fresh and innocent days of the new year.
The first couple of months in our positively dandy resumes and attitudes fly out the dusty and used window along with our resoulutions of helplessly losing those few added pounds and/or moving up on the social/ career path.

Its been a year since ive been a common blogger. Blogging about things that come to mind and trigger a response throughout my mundane day.
What ive learned is that the response to words such as these are not just a product of the person saying them but what the words actually mean to those read and comprehend the written notions of them.
A universal soundtrack of love, hate and or understanding.
Some words are even the direct contact of us being vessels for the highest one above.
His love our written syllables so when we breathe we dismiss ashes of death.
the unassumed responsibility of the mind to cope with indifferences in the world and the constant search of comparisons between decent human beings.

I love the constant motion of the life the ups AND downs. The downs just because without them we wouldnt know the true meaning of a high.
I know its disgustingly random but My mind wonders to the themes of my expressions when thinkng about why I write them.

On to a familiar topic on New Years. WHy make resolutions when you end up breaking them two to three weeks in? How about striving not to break the resolutions you would of have if you actually made them. Or just striving to be all you can be like the army without being in the army.
Which reminds me I would have loved to be at the inauguration but because of a improvident mother and a tendency to let things slide to the "back-burner" I will be home and or in school occuring my time. Life lessons...

We shall see how this first week of my graduation, evolving, maturing, loving, caring, providing, progressing year goes.

live GOLD



okie but its close to Brittney Spears song title, "IF YOU SEEK AMY"
Figure that one out.

But just a topic Be greatful for the season
and appreciative.

Its the end of the year and just thinking about all the things shows the growth of the person.
Just cant wait to start a new on the next one.

My own canvas.