Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts


More Than A Resolution!


2012 has been some year. Words cannot even explain it. I have grown and watched the world change rapidly around me. As long as I have been alive I have the same two qualities I'd love to hate, actually I'm pretty sure I hate both. That's why I'm making a change, more than a resolution but a positive change for the betterment of my life.

Between situations changing rapidly and more and more people I know just leaving Earth without notice I know how precious this life we have is. Honestly, the present is a present and people take it for granted *raises hand* I do too.

Between procrastinating and the depressing feeling of contentment and over thinking or stressing over the  BS life throws your way from time to time, one of the quicksand potholes will have you preaching "Tomorrow is a new day" instead of "Just do it" or "Now is the time!"

I realized this life is a blank canvas, every second and experience we have paints our canvas and makes it dense with intensity, lessons and the true stains of life. I'm ready for the journey and truly tired of being tired. Sleep is the cousin of death and procrastination is the devil whispering in your ear. 

Learn and live _GOLD.


The "Struggle"

Not only was I casted in my FIRST movie called, "Struggle" and no matter how small a movie it encourages me to expand my wings and test my limits, but this week has been a constant struggle.
In between my lack of attention, remorseful load of homework they decided to disperse in college and the lack of financial funds I've been living with, I used the word struggle as my word of the week.
Getting out of bed was a struggle... but lets me real... is that new?
What has been shockingly new however are low funds, compared to the workaholic reflected checking account I had earlier this summer, my savings have surely dwindled down.
From food, to necessities to unexpected dilemnas, the zeros surrounding my money escaped and ventured off elsewhere.
My search for a job was successful, not.
Hearing the same, "We will get back to you."
"We are not hiring but expecting applications."
I felt like I was on the same financial rollercoaster as this summer before Chili's and I despised it.
My resume was right, schedule tight but the money situation was certainly not right.
I sighed, I got sadder easily when I couldn't by food out, because quite frankly food makes me happy and continued my lowly struggle not only this week but this whole month.
I let no one know however because quite frankly, no one but my mom could help.
I'm not rich but I usually have money in my pocket, a little something, something
and to tell the truth I can't even remember how I got money in my pocket before I had my job.
Now I am really appreciative of what Chili's did for me... financially that is.

A miracle happened and God bestowed upon me a blessing in disguise, my accident earlier this summer,
only to settle and to be given the power to lighten my moms crazy load and fill
up my gas tank all the way for the first time this semester.
I went to the school's library and straight-studied, organizing my mind, schedule and my
workload to better suite me and my needs
but before I run free-happily, I must realize that in order to do better, I need
to get myself financially straight to keep an income like this coming in.
Before the weight of so much was lifted just a little...
I struggled.


Adoring Life brings me..

lemons and I just so happen to come up with Pink Lemonade in martini glasses.
I don't know people!! just look at the pics which by the way... though pictures usually say a thousand little words don't seem to sum up the past couple of weeks.
twitter might help though

*I went to ATL on citations ended up siteseeing with Yung Jeezy.
**Had my first drama ever of college (so h.s) and ended up making more and more friends
***Got two Ds my first semester in college... well Im working on that one... (=X)

Stay warm