Im dying out here!
So I watching Paris' show Its Paris, Not France and I was actually going to cry during this show because my mom is leaning towards Claflin U because they gave me another scholarship ... (why can't she work that magic over at Howard???)
Well anyways I was scared of losin gmy friends but then was like (wah??) friends would mind if they havent talked to you in a couple weeks or if you deleted your myspace, facebook and only twittered once a week.
I finally got inkie winkie on the phone and felt much better. Im blessed. People can be so happy when they have nothing (well not so much have nothing to lose) but more of a have nothing left type situation.
Relating back to Paris.. she was talking about the sex tape and how it affected her greatly because she wasnt 19 like they thought she was.. in fact she was around 16ish...
and how she cried calling the boy begging him to not put the sex tape out there. But he was like eff it money is money...
andddd how her friends knew he was getting that close because he knew she was going to be famous one day and apparently wanted something of a leverage base.
what a bitch.
well she has the same procrastinations most of us have.. friends, what they think about me and money. Not much concern in the money department but friends and what they think about me are definetly highlighted to a microscopic level..
But newho Im out and about, taking out my micros but now about to hit the road and pick up mom from work, tomorrow i believe will be glorious. =) Only if I add this downtown thing with my riders lmbooooo
ohh lord so my plan is to be very grateful and appreciative of what I have.. and smile. Why the heck not???
Smells Summer Baked to me!

Summer is almost over (for me at least) and I must say Ive done a lot.. In Georgia at least. I partied chilled, slept over, had people sleep over, did mad college stuff (and is currently still mourning on the fact that Oprah is not trying to help a sister afford Howard) so Valdosta I go, though I did enjoy the dorm waiting list. I got drunk...? high? nah....umm lol But i most definetly had fun whatever I got into got so much clothes and more coming for freshman year but Ill be regs. cause there is no best dressed in college (But I cant help it!).

*AFTER* *- -*

Nik_gold has learned to be a little more ascertive and directed through her sisters current situation she has learned to take no bs and is still learning not to let ignorant nincumpoops run over me (this is only extended towards friends who do to00o much) .
Ive grown closer to the Lord and most definetely feel blessed and as a direct encouragement on life. Im listening to the Howards lil affinity music for their freshmans |=( ugh!!
But anywho I can't wait until school starts. I know im going to get home sick and miss Miley but Im ready for it, Im ready to meet new people to be put in situations and land on top, to earn and develop my own grown women mentality and independence. Im ready to get back to dancing while staying focused on school work and getting my car in MARCH. That is all I want from my father.. Its too late for him to be a dad to me, I trully believe and in March too late for him for him to help me financially and my mom is apparently okay with that, i just want that car!!
I also need these micros outt!! I dont see myself starting the epitomy of adult life (college!!) with 3 month old threatening to become mini-dread micros! I need a texturizer, I want/need to be even more exotic and ecletic in the best way from everyone my age and at any moment in time. Im not going to be in the same mindset as other freshmans unless theyre talking about money, connections and future adventures.
Im ready, willing and able!
oh btw Im transferring to Howard ater 2 yrs andd...
Casting Me
The wind howls at me with great fear.
Its my friend I think.
Constantly there, deep blue passion wrapped with silk n cotton eyes.
Gently swaying me to the beat of liquid cement.
Casting my shadows with special apperances of the the glowing bulb and gentle lit candle.
Its my friend I believe.
I sway my lengthened palms and deliver myself to the howling breeze.
Its my friend I think.
Constantly there, deep blue passion wrapped with silk n cotton eyes.
Gently swaying me to the beat of liquid cement.
Casting my shadows with special apperances of the the glowing bulb and gentle lit candle.
Its my friend I believe.
I sway my lengthened palms and deliver myself to the howling breeze.
Summer 09
So this summer has been undescribable ever since last yr.. wow like its been a decade i have tried to make every vacation memorable to the point where I would have to reflect on it on my empty moments during the school season. However there are consequences. Smh. Id rather consequences then pure ultimate boredom in its true grey form..
I have a dog now.
Thats a positive change. =)
Her name is Miley

pic post coming soon!!
tweet me
I have a dog now.
Thats a positive change. =)
Her name is Miley

pic post coming soon!!
tweet me
flower me
relations from the past.
making the future a little cloudy
burnt roses spraying the cement i drizzle on
two feet of grey covered in heart blooded strays
i just started with life
dont damage the grounds i glaze over.
making the future a little cloudy
burnt roses spraying the cement i drizzle on
two feet of grey covered in heart blooded strays
i just started with life
dont damage the grounds i glaze over.
GOD sad mad wow violent,
learn. love,
Mixed Fruit anyone?
You surely cannot please everyone but after 75 yrs, now you want to make an African American princess who just has to have an attitude and hair pulled back in a bun? What happened to an afro and a soft voice?
I dont think Michele would like this much. And knocking down two birds with one stone? i.e interracial couples and an African American princess? Is Disney racist or just plain ignorant?
And just a statement on life should African American men be frowned upon when they marry outside of their race when Caucasian men do it all the time.. dipping their finger into EVERY paint jar? I dont think so. Everyone marry who you want to and tell your kids they are special so a movie motivated by MONEY doesn't have to! =)
African American,
In my head
In my head im rich, at least a Paris Hilton or Oprah... so heres my new favorite store conviently located a bit far but a bit close, in Inman Park, GA =)

yummmm L.A.M.B jessica simpson BETSYVILLE n way more! (ADVERTISING Maybe?)
Now bumping into this store was a must. It was destiny! I was just leaving my now third favorite store after affordable (forever21) and after this one, (the fourth being Urban Outfitters which I have yet to try out online) when we (friend Kir and I) were walking to the pharmacy up the hill to buy a card for my friend's bday party. When I paused and looked in the window expecting to see American Apparel, which was a few stores down and my wallet started to scream. "Help!!!" it screamed, "This bitch is going to spend me!"
And well... I did!... Well as much as I could ($50) I bought Anne Michelle light brownish patent leather sling backs and $9 sunglasses... $9!!! I was soo happy though a butterfly and cubic diamond ring I picked out was the most expensive fake thing I have ever laid eyes on ($46). The sunglasses here was cheaper at this boutque than the (basically, a thift store) place I just came from. The boutique also had crazy-cute not trashy and most definetly not TOO trendy dresses. More cool jewelry and a bracelet I thought Lady Gaga would not hestate to slap on, purses, shoes galore and sunglasses.. well duh, lol,
The name "BOMB" fits the stores collection of assorted apparel I almost fell over with glee, thank God for trusted friend Kir to have my back literally. When I get a J-O-B this summer I am most likely rewarding myself with a trip back there!!
Hope noone I know finds out about it!**

yummmm L.A.M.B jessica simpson BETSYVILLE n way more! (ADVERTISING Maybe?)
Now bumping into this store was a must. It was destiny! I was just leaving my now third favorite store after affordable (forever21) and after this one, (the fourth being Urban Outfitters which I have yet to try out online) when we (friend Kir and I) were walking to the pharmacy up the hill to buy a card for my friend's bday party. When I paused and looked in the window expecting to see American Apparel, which was a few stores down and my wallet started to scream. "Help!!!" it screamed, "This bitch is going to spend me!"
And well... I did!... Well as much as I could ($50) I bought Anne Michelle light brownish patent leather sling backs and $9 sunglasses... $9!!! I was soo happy though a butterfly and cubic diamond ring I picked out was the most expensive fake thing I have ever laid eyes on ($46). The sunglasses here was cheaper at this boutque than the (basically, a thift store) place I just came from. The boutique also had crazy-cute not trashy and most definetly not TOO trendy dresses. More cool jewelry and a bracelet I thought Lady Gaga would not hestate to slap on, purses, shoes galore and sunglasses.. well duh, lol,
The name "BOMB" fits the stores collection of assorted apparel I almost fell over with glee, thank God for trusted friend Kir to have my back literally. When I get a J-O-B this summer I am most likely rewarding myself with a trip back there!!
Hope noone I know finds out about it!**
Big Girl
Wanting a car and job by the time i graduate.
Wanting a bf to ALWAYS call hubby know everything about and say baby
Be able to shop whenever do whats necessary to make me and the ones directly around me happy with no consequences.
I used to despise that word yupp i despise it once again.
Mommy used to tell me only the devil needs to get that close.. or something like that
1. When is it ever time to quote my mom.
2. When is it safe to say I hate being ignorant and though knowing everything in the world would ultimately kill me I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.
3. I effin hate surprises like dead ass I HATE THEM.
4 Im probably not going to keep in touch with these folks in school, well after tonight idk who I will keep in touch with .. probably the principal.. he is always full of quotes.
5 Im about to be real sarcastic and to myself again.. God I thought I passed that stage in life ... i guess freakin not.
6. Im about to do WHATEVER i want, everyone else does without caring if it hurts others.
7. just LISTEN to your mom whoever has your best interest at heart but then again you dont really know your in a ditch until you look up.
I need God, yeah like the more I search for him the cloudier the road gets, the road to him gets more and more slippery by the second. There is always an excuse for failing but success has no excuses.
No more playing with this big girl stuff if you dont know what it is RUN!!
lol little scaredy cat.
Wanting a bf to ALWAYS call hubby know everything about and say baby
Be able to shop whenever do whats necessary to make me and the ones directly around me happy with no consequences.
I used to despise that word yupp i despise it once again.
Mommy used to tell me only the devil needs to get that close.. or something like that
1. When is it ever time to quote my mom.
2. When is it safe to say I hate being ignorant and though knowing everything in the world would ultimately kill me I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.
3. I effin hate surprises like dead ass I HATE THEM.
4 Im probably not going to keep in touch with these folks in school, well after tonight idk who I will keep in touch with .. probably the principal.. he is always full of quotes.
5 Im about to be real sarcastic and to myself again.. God I thought I passed that stage in life ... i guess freakin not.
6. Im about to do WHATEVER i want, everyone else does without caring if it hurts others.
7. just LISTEN to your mom whoever has your best interest at heart but then again you dont really know your in a ditch until you look up.
I need God, yeah like the more I search for him the cloudier the road gets, the road to him gets more and more slippery by the second. There is always an excuse for failing but success has no excuses.
No more playing with this big girl stuff if you dont know what it is RUN!!
lol little scaredy cat.
GOD sad mad wow violent,
growing up.,
love hate,
World Premiere Anyone?
This is me Nicole with her first publishing. Yes, I am arriving.
But not without the push and struggle of others who love and care for me.
I must thank every single one of my fans... (tear*)
okie okie its not that serious but yay me anyways...

One other notes.
Im not an open book but my chapters are there, you may take my words and twist them into any shape you want but words are rape victims and they take their lives for granted, I believe this is where slang comes in. My pages are filled with stanzas not paragrapghs, I take the side of my work because it cannot stare knifes at me nor cut me with cold mean texts.
I stand with my feet together because apart they fall. Locked straight they cramp but bent they are more flexible.
Hey Im Nik_gold
nice to meet you.
Final point. I think I have that ability/curse w.e where you taste things you touch, smell things you hear vice versa... the taste I just heard..... blahhhhh
like seriously. Im going to google it.
moving on up,
Blanket Market

Why would you dump Rihanna as a spokeswoman??
Yes shes took some punches, became the women most women keep private and stayed with Chris afterr the abuse but hey she is still promoting your product..
In factt....
Your product should sell MORE.
Do you see any sign of abuse and scarrring in those close ups? We know computer editing but come onnn people think. ANd plus I kind of like Rihanna's new jerrk curl -knock off kanye look,
First Block Episode

I can honestly say this month has been.. well rather different. Actually having to be in it to experience how it is. Eleven points for eleven days of random fasting (meaning just forget the internet but Im eating what I shouldnt!!)
1. Not voted best dressed. ( But clearly am, smh at Stephenson and the lames that attend it. Im so on my college grind now!!)
2. Big Sister had some drama and is now relocated to ATL =)( She has always been the peace maker between my mom and I, she makes sense!)
3. Mom wants to be the dirty, old, raggidy, weird black vine spreading rumors and lies but now about her own kids. (Wow what great parenting skills you have my dear)
4. I only have friends and best friends, nothin more, (once again thanks mom)
5. Havent made any progress what so ever between all the drama, mom and trying to stay sane.
6. Couldnt even DANCE it off dance practice was canceled so I might just have some more stuff to do when I get home.. Like danceee! in the shower, closest outsideee =)
7. Realized I was very busy at one point with one person and I can do a WHOLE lot in the meantime.
8. I have rather senstive feelings though I wrap them in a razor blanket so everyone else can feel my wrath. (hehehe)
9. Im very well rounded and not falling off the edge, nor near it for that matter.
10. I havent begun to miss myspace or facebook like that but we can forget the fast food and junk food when your mom doesnt cook nor bring food home regularly.
11. You can only look out for your best interest, though people care and love you they might not know all you want and the path you would rather choose.
On other notes. Lily Allen miscarried. I dont know how I feel about it. I believe its horrible, but its also life and might help her writeeeeee and make better music =)

This week has been absolutely.... scenic.
Even the cloudy days were memorable.
I really have to pray about a lot also.
School My Future My Mom and Sister.
Where this path is leading me how I think of myself and where God plans to take me...
We shall see.
Updates soon...
Live _gold
best dressed,
rude awakening,
si se puede,
Sunlit 61st
Soo today was like the 2nd or third day and I cheated! =/
I saw push today!! The movie was 6.5 I didnt fall asleep but it was confusing and didnt end wrapping all the loose ends together.
Then I lost my Steak and Shake virginity!
Their 89 cents burger out the McDonalds cheeseburger and double cheeseburger to shame AND it wasnt even a CHEESEBURGER. It was great their fries however are skinny!! I like my mickeydee fries anyday! however I didnt get to try their shake I thought that was over indulging....
Tomorrow Im wearing sweats and also bringing a camera so I can take pictures.
When I wear my senior sweat shirt leggings and warm boots and a hat. The leggings and the hat of course wont be shown but it will be there =)
Anywho We shall see how tomorrow goes. People like my zebra nails its clear this time but Im getting it done tomorrow. =)
I saw push today!! The movie was 6.5 I didnt fall asleep but it was confusing and didnt end wrapping all the loose ends together.
Then I lost my Steak and Shake virginity!
Their 89 cents burger out the McDonalds cheeseburger and double cheeseburger to shame AND it wasnt even a CHEESEBURGER. It was great their fries however are skinny!! I like my mickeydee fries anyday! however I didnt get to try their shake I thought that was over indulging....
Tomorrow Im wearing sweats and also bringing a camera so I can take pictures.
When I wear my senior sweat shirt leggings and warm boots and a hat. The leggings and the hat of course wont be shown but it will be there =)
Anywho We shall see how tomorrow goes. People like my zebra nails its clear this time but Im getting it done tomorrow. =)
Give it up: My Fasting Virginity
I dont know how exactly to get through this.
I know that when I'm done with this i'll read my bible.
I know that I'm doing this until the 18th for sure.
I know that I may be taking this too seriously but if I dont I'll slip up and let you down... =P
Seriously though I have to do this I believe the average 17 yr old has about 75 percent self-control. I on the other hand have about 35. Why? Quite simply because I'm used to getting what I want. No not that I'm spoiled rotten but the things I want arent that out of reach just so I wont hear a no...
But anyways the sun is out. Half the reason most words are white and in church the first sunday we wear white. =)Purified.
We were out of school for this, slush, water, and the sun. Im not complaining though.

New Shoes

Ill be back with updates, this is just the beginning!
GOD sad mad wow violent,
virgin of wounds,
Fast March Madness
The month of my 17th birthday has been a real roller coaster in the first couple of hours.
Turning 17 I will be drama free and relaxed but why wait I'm in a transition now for what i have yet to figure out but it involves being 100% honest with everyone no matter how raw.
Maybe rawness for mother deareast but everyone else can get.
Mommy asked, well its not her first time asking but she asked today for the 9589 billionth time why in every relationship I get in the person confesses his love for me. Not true in the summer case but in general its usually positive news on my side. She convinced herself I was my father's child and people are just naturally attracted to me and a part of me may believe it but I looked around for a more solid answer...
Then I stumbled across this...
"Marriage Magnet Reveals Her Basically Unhelpful Secret
Dating & LoveOdd NewsFeb 20th 2009
By Emerald Catron
Hey lonely hearts, looking for love in all the wrong places? One woman has been proposed to NINE freaking times, and she's finally figured out what the secret is.
British author Adele Parks, now 40, had already been proposed to seven times by the time she was 23, starting with a 17-year-old boyfriend at a roadside cafe. Her trick was easy enough -- she just wasn't herself.
It turns out that by acting however the guy you're with wants you to, and presenting yourself as something you're not, is a great way to get proposals!
Winning Over Mr. Wrong
Of course, like Adele, you probably wouldn't want to accept those misguided marriage offers, so maybe they shouldn't really count.
Writes Parks, "My fault was that I gave each boyfriend the part of me I knew they'd find palatable, but never the whole package. I should have had the confidence to present myself wholly, truthfully, faults and all. Instead, I was living like a trainee Stepford Wife.""
No I have never been proposed too not even once. But part of this ladies statement is true for me. EITHER I have a very adaptive personality which can be very true because Im also 100% comfortable with who I am in relationships. Well 90% in these last few.
Im just like her, I self conciously pick a part of me that they are prone to and mold myself around it for the next several months.
This could be the answer to why I always change every couple of months (apperance small stuff) Or it could be that Im still just changing and growing. Like my eco teacher Mr. Jeffrey says there are no black and white areas just grey ones.

Im also fasting.
This includes
soda junk
and anything else I feel is unworthy.
It funny because I used to look at people who fasted and was like wah?? I guess i JUST NEVER took it as serious as I should have. Focusing on the wrong things. Like my sister said this morning which really calmed me down, take 10 secinds regroup and refocus.
Im reading a random scripture from my bible every morning and writing in my new flower book and doing these online blogs on how Im doing.
I think my mom would be proud of my ambitions but I plan to show here through actions instead of talk.
range 2006

range 2003

I know there is a crazy difference in price as in year but Georgia is known for selling cars to any Dick, Sue, Mary or Harry.
My plan is to get a good job (one I can continue through college)
and small loan along with the money daddy should have paid me all these years and maybe even a little of my bond money. I dont want to be in too much debt but I already will because of college.
well this is a totally different story. Every weekend and spare time i have goes to college applications, scholarships, fafsa SOMETHING to do with my future and Im not mad at it my future looks bright but can they make applications a little easier. Like colleges on the same level once you send one application out to one it goes to the rest?? And scholarships that are a given with the school or associate themselves with the school email you. There is so much to do!! Im not even finished at least one out of two schools still NEED something from me. Im really just wanting a acceptance letter and a pedi-mani for my bday. I believe I deserve it.
I have no idea birthdays have really never been a real big thing for me but every bday I get my hopes up that something BIG and wonderful will happen ... and well. It hasnt. Though Henry's jesters were nice they dont count when I have no affection back.
The couple I love the most at Stephenson my bomb high school has to be beast Cassandra and Rob. Sandra and I had class together and she asked me almost everyday where my clothes came from. Yes, that can really make you love someone why not? When they think like you? Anywho their affection is sweet, civil and modest yet its clear they are special to each other, already with kodaks and just seem to click easily.
Yes this is Nicole rambling having no idea yet again where she is going with this...
I shall be a little prayer warrior these next few days, but I can't do it alone. Pray for me.
Too finish it off here are some pics of the fake Georgia snow storm we experienced today...

delicious curry and rush hour movie! yum!

Turning 17 I will be drama free and relaxed but why wait I'm in a transition now for what i have yet to figure out but it involves being 100% honest with everyone no matter how raw.
Maybe rawness for mother deareast but everyone else can get.
Mommy asked, well its not her first time asking but she asked today for the 9589 billionth time why in every relationship I get in the person confesses his love for me. Not true in the summer case but in general its usually positive news on my side. She convinced herself I was my father's child and people are just naturally attracted to me and a part of me may believe it but I looked around for a more solid answer...
Then I stumbled across this...
"Marriage Magnet Reveals Her Basically Unhelpful Secret
Dating & LoveOdd NewsFeb 20th 2009
By Emerald Catron
Hey lonely hearts, looking for love in all the wrong places? One woman has been proposed to NINE freaking times, and she's finally figured out what the secret is.
British author Adele Parks, now 40, had already been proposed to seven times by the time she was 23, starting with a 17-year-old boyfriend at a roadside cafe. Her trick was easy enough -- she just wasn't herself.
It turns out that by acting however the guy you're with wants you to, and presenting yourself as something you're not, is a great way to get proposals!
Winning Over Mr. Wrong
Of course, like Adele, you probably wouldn't want to accept those misguided marriage offers, so maybe they shouldn't really count.
Writes Parks, "My fault was that I gave each boyfriend the part of me I knew they'd find palatable, but never the whole package. I should have had the confidence to present myself wholly, truthfully, faults and all. Instead, I was living like a trainee Stepford Wife.""
No I have never been proposed too not even once. But part of this ladies statement is true for me. EITHER I have a very adaptive personality which can be very true because Im also 100% comfortable with who I am in relationships. Well 90% in these last few.
Im just like her, I self conciously pick a part of me that they are prone to and mold myself around it for the next several months.
This could be the answer to why I always change every couple of months (apperance small stuff) Or it could be that Im still just changing and growing. Like my eco teacher Mr. Jeffrey says there are no black and white areas just grey ones.

Im also fasting.
This includes
soda junk
and anything else I feel is unworthy.
It funny because I used to look at people who fasted and was like wah?? I guess i JUST NEVER took it as serious as I should have. Focusing on the wrong things. Like my sister said this morning which really calmed me down, take 10 secinds regroup and refocus.
Im reading a random scripture from my bible every morning and writing in my new flower book and doing these online blogs on how Im doing.
I think my mom would be proud of my ambitions but I plan to show here through actions instead of talk.
range 2006

range 2003

I know there is a crazy difference in price as in year but Georgia is known for selling cars to any Dick, Sue, Mary or Harry.
My plan is to get a good job (one I can continue through college)
and small loan along with the money daddy should have paid me all these years and maybe even a little of my bond money. I dont want to be in too much debt but I already will because of college.
well this is a totally different story. Every weekend and spare time i have goes to college applications, scholarships, fafsa SOMETHING to do with my future and Im not mad at it my future looks bright but can they make applications a little easier. Like colleges on the same level once you send one application out to one it goes to the rest?? And scholarships that are a given with the school or associate themselves with the school email you. There is so much to do!! Im not even finished at least one out of two schools still NEED something from me. Im really just wanting a acceptance letter and a pedi-mani for my bday. I believe I deserve it.
I have no idea birthdays have really never been a real big thing for me but every bday I get my hopes up that something BIG and wonderful will happen ... and well. It hasnt. Though Henry's jesters were nice they dont count when I have no affection back.
The couple I love the most at Stephenson my bomb high school has to be beast Cassandra and Rob. Sandra and I had class together and she asked me almost everyday where my clothes came from. Yes, that can really make you love someone why not? When they think like you? Anywho their affection is sweet, civil and modest yet its clear they are special to each other, already with kodaks and just seem to click easily.
Yes this is Nicole rambling having no idea yet again where she is going with this...
I shall be a little prayer warrior these next few days, but I can't do it alone. Pray for me.
Too finish it off here are some pics of the fake Georgia snow storm we experienced today...

delicious curry and rush hour movie! yum!

Who the F cares?
alzy52 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam HAHAHA I really like how everyone keeps saying she's ripping off all these current female artists like Rhianna. But no one is accusing her of ripping off Salt and Peppa, or anyone from the 90's hip hop era because your all too young to realize that all your favorite artists from today are indeed copying the artists from the last wave. Why? Because these artists grew up idolizing those people and are now paying homage to them. This same fight happens every time something "new" comes out.
alzy52 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Agreed! I've already said it somewhere buried deep in here but she's not using the term Diva wrong, she's just not using it at it's current usage.
But if you want to split hairs the original or at least oldest definition of the word "Diva" (although it was spelled different since they where using Old English then but still pronounced the same way) has nothing to do with women at all, it was used to describe a person hired under a Royal family to murder people that spoke against the family.
i believe some people just wanted to watch the video and believe to approximately 5 minutes that they could be a diva too. no matter what the term is. you people are most definetely looking too deep into it.
alzy52 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam HAHAHA I really like how everyone keeps saying she's ripping off all these current female artists like Rhianna. But no one is accusing her of ripping off Salt and Peppa, or anyone from the 90's hip hop era because your all too young to realize that all your favorite artists from today are indeed copying the artists from the last wave. Why? Because these artists grew up idolizing those people and are now paying homage to them. This same fight happens every time something "new" comes out.
alzy52 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Agreed! I've already said it somewhere buried deep in here but she's not using the term Diva wrong, she's just not using it at it's current usage.
But if you want to split hairs the original or at least oldest definition of the word "Diva" (although it was spelled different since they where using Old English then but still pronounced the same way) has nothing to do with women at all, it was used to describe a person hired under a Royal family to murder people that spoke against the family.
i believe some people just wanted to watch the video and believe to approximately 5 minutes that they could be a diva too. no matter what the term is. you people are most definetely looking too deep into it.
the REAL of "super"stars

Whats been happening underneath Rihanna's umbrella?? Disclosed sources have said that she contracted the disease herpes from a person left unknown, passed it on to R&B artist Chris Brown and this is why over the past couple of weeks their relationship has been unsteady.
Whatever the case female bashing is not the answer. The day of the grammy's approximately 12:30 someone who heard Rihanna (Robyn Fenty) screaming and not crys' of joy from her runnin man but of pain. What could make this relationship fall from the pedestal from which we have all put it on? One whole year and a couple of bad weeks can ruin it all.
Chris Brown later that day turning himself in on domestic abuse charges at 6:34pm to Los Angelos Police and bail set at 50,ooo which duh, he posted. But still not the point if I were to decide in my dramatic fantasy little head. .... Rihanna got Herpes (please nothing worse) from one of her little white jigga boos (and please not jigga boo!!) and recieved herpes in which she didnt know at this point went back to chris told him and this is where there faultiness started flarring. Though I would have waited until after the grammys for this.
I dont know man! From the abuse it could be rough sex gone arwy. Bite marks, the face bruises could have been the headboard from earlier IDONTKNOW I DONT KNOW. I hope its not an ike and tina not that it efffects my life maybe the sale of doublemints and a lot of umbrellas...
On the other hand..
Is she the kind of women to let this happen? It was only a year relationship not set in stone (star tattoos) but who knows this doesnt have to be the first beating. Cause trust sources say she was WHOPPED like a whopper (i know corny) but she better not pull a taylor swift and write a song about everything then fall back.
I was never a fan of men younger I dont know always felt like there was a compliance in just that mild gesture. Whatever the case because I am not living his or her life for them I hope all is well and Chris Brown's mother prays really hard we all know his doublemint commercial has already been pulled.
On the topic of superstars on superficial pedestal.
Micheal Phelps!!
Mr. Weedies!!

Alex Rodriguez is over here lying in his apologies.. its okie though thats why Madonna dropped you for JESUS... Jesus Luz 21 year old male model to be exact. But dont worry just keep doing your spot-off interviews and suming up your words in a steroids went to my head way... i guess.

until more news breaks the everydays bluessss.
I told you these people are too regular stop putting them up there and then expecting miracle-type results... noone is perfect not even Beyonce sad to say. =(

ha hah hahahahahha gets me EVERytIMEEE!! lol
Other Sources; people. com, google imagesss
live _gold. =)
domestic abuse,
theyre just human,
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