so i haven't been completely there for my blog
::::Meaning spilling stuff worth blogging::::
And I promise you there is always some thriling stuff to blog about'
Delaying it a day because lacck of food and energy...
2010 nik_gold defeats.. then CONQUERS only to
live_gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
WhamWham! Shingai is her name
This Uk born singer is soooo FUNKY FRESH lol
google her and here is a sample of her work =)
Hope you love it**
google her and here is a sample of her work =)
Hope you love it**
Very Merry nik_gold*

I can't wait until my birthday
** I'm going to look, feel and BE miraculous!!!
It's almost Christmas and truthfully
** I'll be fine just being in a warm house with pleasant people and food
It's almost a new year
** And I don't know a thing I could have done differently for this one
I <3 Pretty people with Impeccable personalities
** I aspire to be the perfect me (not perfect)
Cleanliness is next to Godliness I learned the hard way
** "EWWWW what is that??!!"
I need to write a letter to Dad and rekindle my love affair with the family
** Before it's too late
I'm going to be super next year starting now
** Super grades, Super personality, Super outfits, Super job, Super skills, Super nik_gold!!
Positivity motivates me
** So I'm positively getting rid of the negative vixens in my life!
It's a Done Deal
So I know tomorrow won't solve a damn thing.
Im hanging on to the epiphany that maybe something great will happen
Like God will hand deliver me a map and
From there I can see the stars, planets and the moons.
See what's new and which ones to wish on
So that someday my dream will come true.
Im not talking about another love story
The story love dooomed key
The sad all-I-need-love-to-find-my-way-in-life
My purpose
Im talking about that forever destiny drift
The one in which you find out the laws of nature and if you are god's one and only true gift
And in you I mean man the heavenly sinful thing
The take one look back and you turn into a grain of sand?
That goodness the stuff you feel down in your soul
Feeling lonely but never alone
You wiping your tears away, stating your life lessons on facebook and twitter so that someone can "like" or "repost"
But no one can repost your life
Your need of life
Nor your feed on life not even the dying sun
Bearing itself down to you so that you can see the light
In all it's glory and its last true fight
Heavy anticipation dims down at me cause I know
Tomorrow won't change a damned thing
Seeing you and all the guilt you bring
Weighing my heart down more than it ever has
For the guilt I already had for being born a love child.
No this ain't the "I hate my daddy" poem or the " I was raped but now Im better" storm
This shit right here... this shit right here??!!
Has no category, sits on its on territory
Drifting gently from sea to sea
Terrorizing me
Whimsically not giving a FU**
The life of misery unsolved because I know
Tomorrow won't chnage a damn thing.
I blink and I blink thinking something will change.
hours pass but my life still remains the same
Yelling yellow yearnings of despair for me to change for someone else to care
Because I left a long time ago
Shadowing centuries ago
Formed into dust because what I must be I cannot discuss
Something scary for me to think outside the little blue box
Sly as a fox but never willing to hop off the soap box and discuss minor mistakes misread
Unlike the beloved dead
I bring forth failure, goal making and half fulfilled promises
I leave behind merry memories, happy beginnings and wondering endings.
I brand things only to be en-lighted that nothing belongs to me only the maker above.
Then my eyes open really wide
The crust and disgust, mucus and deliverance and I focus
and spit.
I know
Tomorrow won't change a damn thing
If it didn't change today when I had all the time in the world
But instead wanted to disguise myself like a small boy or girl
I went to eat all the ice-cream in the world but at the thought pulled to the side and hurled.
Went to climb the highest mountain but instead returned the hiking boots
Insecurities will never deliver me and procrastination makes me the person I strive not to me.
Then I stop and think and ACTUALLY execute the next move...solved?
Im hanging on to the epiphany that maybe something great will happen
Like God will hand deliver me a map and
From there I can see the stars, planets and the moons.
See what's new and which ones to wish on
So that someday my dream will come true.
Im not talking about another love story
The story love dooomed key
The sad all-I-need-love-to-find-my-way-in-life
My purpose
Im talking about that forever destiny drift
The one in which you find out the laws of nature and if you are god's one and only true gift
And in you I mean man the heavenly sinful thing
The take one look back and you turn into a grain of sand?
That goodness the stuff you feel down in your soul
Feeling lonely but never alone
You wiping your tears away, stating your life lessons on facebook and twitter so that someone can "like" or "repost"
But no one can repost your life
Your need of life
Nor your feed on life not even the dying sun
Bearing itself down to you so that you can see the light
In all it's glory and its last true fight
Heavy anticipation dims down at me cause I know
Tomorrow won't change a damned thing
Seeing you and all the guilt you bring
Weighing my heart down more than it ever has
For the guilt I already had for being born a love child.
No this ain't the "I hate my daddy" poem or the " I was raped but now Im better" storm
This shit right here... this shit right here??!!
Has no category, sits on its on territory
Drifting gently from sea to sea
Terrorizing me
Whimsically not giving a FU**
The life of misery unsolved because I know
Tomorrow won't chnage a damn thing.
I blink and I blink thinking something will change.
hours pass but my life still remains the same
Yelling yellow yearnings of despair for me to change for someone else to care
Because I left a long time ago
Shadowing centuries ago
Formed into dust because what I must be I cannot discuss
Something scary for me to think outside the little blue box
Sly as a fox but never willing to hop off the soap box and discuss minor mistakes misread
Unlike the beloved dead
I bring forth failure, goal making and half fulfilled promises
I leave behind merry memories, happy beginnings and wondering endings.
I brand things only to be en-lighted that nothing belongs to me only the maker above.
Then my eyes open really wide
The crust and disgust, mucus and deliverance and I focus
and spit.
I know
Tomorrow won't change a damn thing
If it didn't change today when I had all the time in the world
But instead wanted to disguise myself like a small boy or girl
I went to eat all the ice-cream in the world but at the thought pulled to the side and hurled.
Went to climb the highest mountain but instead returned the hiking boots
Insecurities will never deliver me and procrastination makes me the person I strive not to me.
Then I stop and think and ACTUALLY execute the next move...solved?
GOD sad mad wow violent,
learn. love,
nice one
Thoughts running in and out but like my paranoid mind never growing tired
and my feelings grow calluses near the edges but the nicest comment could do fatal damage
And I watch time fly by without my carpet to fly along side it
My tears cried out so now I just sob with the restless
Mind tossing around, never settling so it could cover in the ratchet sheet of my scapegoat
Wondering slut of a mind passion and fruitful delay, I feel absorbed by my paranoid state of mind
I know it's dangerous acting without thinking but its freeing
My thighs burn with the incense of another winner
True, genuine and honest
even if the truth slaps me repeatedly in the face
Heart racing destiny pulling my eyes shut on the fact that this is it
Razor sharp ink strewn across my bloodied worries
The it withstanding a second round
anticipated yet i surrender too stuck on what other people would do I miss it
Ball between my legs I tumble and fall
Syllables fly out of my mouth but the anger does not tumble out after it
Im stuck with dirt intwined with my hair and emotions
Lost in the whirlwind of maturity and reconstructed by the mirror image of perfection.
Slowly combing out the dusty failures of mediocrity and brushing back the flaws of defective genes
I open my heart and grab a spare ball-point pen
Ready to think less and spit more fire.
learn. love,
moving on,
End of Freshman Fall*
It's the end of my fall semester as a freshman.
It has been an experience and I would love to say a bad one because Claflin wasn't even in my list of schools.
But it has been a great one,
I made new friends, had plenty kodak moments, did NOT gain the freshman 15, adapted to people, weather and professors (SMH)
Learned to work NOW not later
gotten tougher by NGAF
"it be like that sometimes"
Been Ms Fashion Bomb of the Day on my favorite BLOG!
Who would have known???.. and since sarcasm doesn't read well through text and stuff.. sarcasm
Learned how to get ready and dressed in 15 minutes got used to live with someone and put my foot down,
learned how to get over a cold in .5 seconds.
Learned that taking 3 5-hr energy drinks a day isn't good no matter how bad you need them
One of the hardest thing is don't show everyone your nice side because they will just take advantage of it
Don't be greedy of the good times but always ask for more of the happy moments
Learned to get over people quicker then they get over you (lol)
People change like the weather so get used to it
Everyone gossips... EVERYONE
its better to be involved and well known for something, anything, then not known at all.. everyone laughs at "Who??"
Life goes on without you so what are you waiting for??
Sometimes its best to think on your own a second opinion is not needed
Your opinion is the best opinion remember this is YOUR life
Everyone doesn't give-a-damn about your problems
Be a DIVA*DON who cares?
Being your worst is better then someones best!
and wayyyy more
PART TWO coming soon
I enjoyed my freshman fall and hope to accelerate my freshman spring by the lessons learned, bridges unburned and people met.
It has been an experience and I would love to say a bad one because Claflin wasn't even in my list of schools.
But it has been a great one,
I made new friends, had plenty kodak moments, did NOT gain the freshman 15, adapted to people, weather and professors (SMH)
Learned to work NOW not later
gotten tougher by NGAF
"it be like that sometimes"
Been Ms Fashion Bomb of the Day on my favorite BLOG!
Who would have known???.. and since sarcasm doesn't read well through text and stuff.. sarcasm
Learned how to get ready and dressed in 15 minutes got used to live with someone and put my foot down,
learned how to get over a cold in .5 seconds.
Learned that taking 3 5-hr energy drinks a day isn't good no matter how bad you need them
One of the hardest thing is don't show everyone your nice side because they will just take advantage of it
Don't be greedy of the good times but always ask for more of the happy moments
Learned to get over people quicker then they get over you (lol)
People change like the weather so get used to it
Everyone gossips... EVERYONE
its better to be involved and well known for something, anything, then not known at all.. everyone laughs at "Who??"
Life goes on without you so what are you waiting for??
Sometimes its best to think on your own a second opinion is not needed
Your opinion is the best opinion remember this is YOUR life
Everyone doesn't give-a-damn about your problems
Be a DIVA*DON who cares?
Being your worst is better then someones best!
and wayyyy more
PART TWO coming soon
I enjoyed my freshman fall and hope to accelerate my freshman spring by the lessons learned, bridges unburned and people met.

Who says your fingers have to be suffocated in claustrophobic gloves all winter??
"What's new and hot??" my ring finger asked.
"What about some Bling??" I replied.
Browsing one of my favorite fashion sites I came across the Pom Pom ring ^
It's reasonably priced around $15 to $16 dollars or on Forever21* for around $4 or $5
Some are even rhinestone encrusted.
I even have something similar of my own!
Embedded with flowers and fairy-tale themed items. (how BOMB, what else is better??)
All of this character on one ring and you can have yours like Rihanna this season!!
Get on it!!!
and your fingers will be smiling with glee as well =)

live_ gold
Why run?
I don't know why time is running from me.
I thought I spent it well.
Checking up on it.
Making it feel loved by filling my time with activities..
Or maybe that's where I went wrong.
Maybe time wanted me to stand still and see time passing slowly.
Valuing it for what it was not the potential it could be.
Dangerously lingering on the idea of full schedules and pent up energy to go out and exert on the helpless world.
Time is mad at me.
I don't know exactly why but I wish it would stop.
Hug me around my waist instead of slap me in my face,
Show me affection in front of my friends instead of becoming the jealous significant other,
I wish time understood I didn't want to stand around..
But I guess age is all about patience and wisedom...
All about time...
I thought I spent it well.
Checking up on it.
Making it feel loved by filling my time with activities..
Or maybe that's where I went wrong.
Maybe time wanted me to stand still and see time passing slowly.
Valuing it for what it was not the potential it could be.
Dangerously lingering on the idea of full schedules and pent up energy to go out and exert on the helpless world.
Time is mad at me.
I don't know exactly why but I wish it would stop.
Hug me around my waist instead of slap me in my face,
Show me affection in front of my friends instead of becoming the jealous significant other,
I wish time understood I didn't want to stand around..
But I guess age is all about patience and wisedom...
All about time...
fast paced,
good and bad times.,
Wonder Me: truth lies beneath
So I trust no guy or your just ruthless, moody and insensitive or just overly way TOOOO sensitive.
Um I despise my professor Dr. Spaulding, hope she passes me though..
Camera lost after a day of taking pictures...
Phones off..
Haven't even checked my account balance because I know its crazy and negative and afraid the cops will come for my card. No More Hello KittY!!
I got a new keyboard though!! lol
There are other negative stuff but I have no time to name everything horrible taking place in my teenage life.
However I am rather happy, in a very free and creative aspect of my Pisces world. Very intuitive about the people and events around me. Able to clear my mind and complete the task at hand. Also stems from the fact that I don't have a phone.
Cant wait until Thanksgiving, but honestly its more of a vibe, aura and energy re-filler, food, church and downtown/fashion/night life. Throw some friends, walking my dog probably stone crest mall, getting my hair done and that's basically Thanksgiving. I miss my mommy!
Ice cold throne
Completed and adorned with passionate weapons of pink colored roses
Sweat in my bones
Reap the instances of the unknown
Mommy always said be careful what you ask for
Independence and closed eyes don't go hand in hand
Victory nails my strength to the ground and cements my only progressive thoughts
Love phrases tantalize my mind with no examples
Red onioned sensation dances through my thoughts
My hands fasten as I realize my belt isn't secured on this ride.
Line skipped
Seat beneath me
Air above and around me
I'm flying mommy can't you see??!!
The stars are down now grass and ride leave above me
Spinning red death chokes my oxygen
But my mind is finally free
Triggered pointed chains break from lack of air and noise
I can read in colors now see with words taste through sounds
The world doesn't revolve around me
I revolve around the world
Vision Seeker
Independence reaper
The victorious one, crown holder, winner of wants
Only my soul can ride deeper
Um I despise my professor Dr. Spaulding, hope she passes me though..
Camera lost after a day of taking pictures...
Phones off..
Haven't even checked my account balance because I know its crazy and negative and afraid the cops will come for my card. No More Hello KittY!!
I got a new keyboard though!! lol
There are other negative stuff but I have no time to name everything horrible taking place in my teenage life.
However I am rather happy, in a very free and creative aspect of my Pisces world. Very intuitive about the people and events around me. Able to clear my mind and complete the task at hand. Also stems from the fact that I don't have a phone.
Cant wait until Thanksgiving, but honestly its more of a vibe, aura and energy re-filler, food, church and downtown/fashion/night life. Throw some friends, walking my dog probably stone crest mall, getting my hair done and that's basically Thanksgiving. I miss my mommy!
Ice cold throne
Completed and adorned with passionate weapons of pink colored roses
Sweat in my bones
Reap the instances of the unknown
Mommy always said be careful what you ask for
Independence and closed eyes don't go hand in hand
Victory nails my strength to the ground and cements my only progressive thoughts
Love phrases tantalize my mind with no examples
Red onioned sensation dances through my thoughts
My hands fasten as I realize my belt isn't secured on this ride.
Line skipped
Seat beneath me
Air above and around me
I'm flying mommy can't you see??!!
The stars are down now grass and ride leave above me
Spinning red death chokes my oxygen
But my mind is finally free
Triggered pointed chains break from lack of air and noise
I can read in colors now see with words taste through sounds
The world doesn't revolve around me
I revolve around the world
Vision Seeker
Independence reaper
The victorious one, crown holder, winner of wants
Only my soul can ride deeper
Scrumptious I promise...
So Chris Brown released his new video yay? Right?
I liked it and realized too many people on one song is cool but what's going to happen on the remix?? Just a thought =)
Do we really need Chris Brown walking buck at us through a screen?
=X But nice video lightskinned Mr...
So I thought this was sooooo cute!
A user on Youtube made a video for Usher's new song, "Paper's" because they liked it so much =)
nik_gold promises not to lie... she is listening to this super duper hyped up
"No Ceilings" dilemna by Lil Wayne...
*** out of ***** so far
the lyrics are catching me but I'm not won over yet!
I'd still rather listen to gangsta love on repeat =)
cause you know... it's getting cold outside!
Here are some links to assist you in this matter!
(I'm still trying to find the perfect pair of knee boots with studs and colored tote bag preferably a beautiful blue or scarlet red)
Happy Retail Shopping and Holiday Spirit to ya!!!
live_gold. for me.. plz?
I liked it and realized too many people on one song is cool but what's going to happen on the remix?? Just a thought =)
Do we really need Chris Brown walking buck at us through a screen?
=X But nice video lightskinned Mr...
So I thought this was sooooo cute!
A user on Youtube made a video for Usher's new song, "Paper's" because they liked it so much =)
nik_gold promises not to lie... she is listening to this super duper hyped up
"No Ceilings" dilemna by Lil Wayne...
*** out of ***** so far
the lyrics are catching me but I'm not won over yet!
I'd still rather listen to gangsta love on repeat =)
cause you know... it's getting cold outside!
Here are some links to assist you in this matter!
(I'm still trying to find the perfect pair of knee boots with studs and colored tote bag preferably a beautiful blue or scarlet red)
Happy Retail Shopping and Holiday Spirit to ya!!!
live_gold. for me.. plz?
Adoring Life brings me..
lemons and I just so happen to come up with Pink Lemonade in martini glasses.
I don't know people!! just look at the pics which by the way... though pictures usually say a thousand little words don't seem to sum up the past couple of weeks.
twitter might help though
*I went to ATL on citations ended up siteseeing with Yung Jeezy.
**Had my first drama ever of college (so h.s) and ended up making more and more friends
***Got two Ds my first semester in college... well Im working on that one... (=X)

Stay warm
I don't know people!! just look at the pics which by the way... though pictures usually say a thousand little words don't seem to sum up the past couple of weeks.
twitter might help though
*I went to ATL on citations ended up siteseeing with Yung Jeezy.
**Had my first drama ever of college (so h.s) and ended up making more and more friends
***Got two Ds my first semester in college... well Im working on that one... (=X)

Stay warm
Speaking of
Just an intro... I have had a rollercoaster of a week starting with last Tuesday, I almost felt guilty for being so happy and positive. Now I wish for that feeling back, I proritized and went through my day easily. Now I have to focus more on God, college and my family and not the other oblivious aspects of my life. I believe God takes us through stages in life to reach goals and therefore elevating us as a person. Since college started I'm on a new trail and noone can lead me off.
speaking of diamonds and class and college and growth.
I live like I see fit,
every minute
bit by bit
though some may be humamnized errors to look at oneself miniscule by miniscule
I see nothing wrong since im a young lady..
still in school
I choose now to look at myself as a whole, the world a whole by many
memorizing the great ones by the size of their soul
Mistakes come and go leaving misheveled footprints like dirty snow but only wet rimmed eyes can see past the flakes of fake.
Only fake can see fake
so no not I.
The whole that I am can only see real, whole and wonderful things.
The kind of things that pleasant ones bring.
To whom or what I'm speaking to I have no idea.
I speak of diamonds, class, college and growth, that I am, that I see and what I assume makes me
speaking of diamonds and class and college and growth.
I live like I see fit,
every minute
bit by bit
though some may be humamnized errors to look at oneself miniscule by miniscule
I see nothing wrong since im a young lady..
still in school
I choose now to look at myself as a whole, the world a whole by many
memorizing the great ones by the size of their soul
Mistakes come and go leaving misheveled footprints like dirty snow but only wet rimmed eyes can see past the flakes of fake.
Only fake can see fake
so no not I.
The whole that I am can only see real, whole and wonderful things.
The kind of things that pleasant ones bring.
To whom or what I'm speaking to I have no idea.
I speak of diamonds, class, college and growth, that I am, that I see and what I assume makes me
learn. love,
young lady
Truth on Brown: 101
Black Barbie here:
Why is black an ugly word???
Don't listen to webster (the white man) its not evil! It's strong, worthy, dynamite and lethal.
Whats wrong with a brown skin girl.. I said brown NOT caramel
Why is every other song about having a "redbone"?
Promoting the small waist, thick-thighed, good hair (or so they think), redbone chick?
I mean, I have no problem with lightskinned myself, thus having many friends and a good portion of them being light, I hate being referred to as the pretty dark one.. oh and pretty one thats dark. EW!
What happened to promoting beauty period? As many darkskinned girls as light in all the videos?
What happened to Gabrielle Union over Eva Pigford?
Naomi Campbell over Meagan Good?? Who infact has gotten lighter over the years.. hmmM
What happened to the beautiful golden brown Rihanna first started out with?

Whats wrong with a women as strong as natural as Erykah Badu, as strong as Angela Bassatt, as funny as Wanda Sykes, as dynamite as Vivica Fox and as stunning as Kenya Moore???
Do you even know a Kenya Moore?

What happened to that Hershey Bar brown??
That Darker the Berry Sweeter the Juice phrase?
We know thats true right?
Why are we still trying to get back to the idea the whiter, brighter is righter???
What happened to a woman as down to Earth as Tichina Arnold, with a smile like Kerry Washington and a booty like Serena Williams, with a personality like Nia Long, moves like Janet Jackson, as positive as Queen Latifah and a walk like Iman?
As black as Alek Wek, as soulful as Toni Braxton, a smile like Sharon Leal and a voice like Estelle...
What happened??
Do we want our black race to be destroyed, no more beautiful brown. Controlled by our surroundings so when we find a beautiful brown we turn it around.
I hate the phrase "pretty for a darkskinned girl".
It's the the same as pretty for a black person...
I know that hurts my soul, why hurt our race?
Why can't we listen to songs like Candy Bar, by keith Murray and
Pimpin all over the world, Ludacris and zoom in when he says the most beautiful women come from Africa?!! Our homeland... Why can't we embrace or race instead of trying to find something better?
Take all skin tones and love them for what they are?
One good listen to a couple of Tupac's hits including, "I aint mad at cha", "Keep ya head up" and "Ill be missing you" just soothes my soul.
I'm not ashamed to say I am a B L A C K Barbie, just smarter, more unique and with an edge then your regular one ;-)
Why is black an ugly word???
Don't listen to webster (the white man) its not evil! It's strong, worthy, dynamite and lethal.
Whats wrong with a brown skin girl.. I said brown NOT caramel
Why is every other song about having a "redbone"?
Promoting the small waist, thick-thighed, good hair (or so they think), redbone chick?
I mean, I have no problem with lightskinned myself, thus having many friends and a good portion of them being light, I hate being referred to as the pretty dark one.. oh and pretty one thats dark. EW!
What happened to promoting beauty period? As many darkskinned girls as light in all the videos?
What happened to Gabrielle Union over Eva Pigford?
Naomi Campbell over Meagan Good?? Who infact has gotten lighter over the years.. hmmM
What happened to the beautiful golden brown Rihanna first started out with?

Whats wrong with a women as strong as natural as Erykah Badu, as strong as Angela Bassatt, as funny as Wanda Sykes, as dynamite as Vivica Fox and as stunning as Kenya Moore???
Do you even know a Kenya Moore?

What happened to that Hershey Bar brown??
That Darker the Berry Sweeter the Juice phrase?
We know thats true right?
Why are we still trying to get back to the idea the whiter, brighter is righter???
What happened to a woman as down to Earth as Tichina Arnold, with a smile like Kerry Washington and a booty like Serena Williams, with a personality like Nia Long, moves like Janet Jackson, as positive as Queen Latifah and a walk like Iman?
As black as Alek Wek, as soulful as Toni Braxton, a smile like Sharon Leal and a voice like Estelle...
What happened??
Do we want our black race to be destroyed, no more beautiful brown. Controlled by our surroundings so when we find a beautiful brown we turn it around.
I hate the phrase "pretty for a darkskinned girl".
It's the the same as pretty for a black person...
I know that hurts my soul, why hurt our race?
Why can't we listen to songs like Candy Bar, by keith Murray and
Pimpin all over the world, Ludacris and zoom in when he says the most beautiful women come from Africa?!! Our homeland... Why can't we embrace or race instead of trying to find something better?
Take all skin tones and love them for what they are?
One good listen to a couple of Tupac's hits including, "I aint mad at cha", "Keep ya head up" and "Ill be missing you" just soothes my soul.
I'm not ashamed to say I am a B L A C K Barbie, just smarter, more unique and with an edge then your regular one ;-)
prison mind set,
skin color
an O C T O B E R lift
I have had my ups and downs
Ins and outs
October leaves I have been turned over and over
and blown every which way
For when I was trully up I looked down instead of opening my arms
I believe God wants me to be in a happy place.
As I sit here listening to the oldie "This will be"
I can't find one thing that is wrong with my life
The cool sunset warming my beating melody
The gentle thrash of the wind threatening to grow with each passing second
Just challenges to
over come
Now every mountain prepares me for the next one
Every pissed off Black lady or manipulative white dude
Prepares me for the real sharks of the world
I learned my skin needed to be thicker yesterday...
I know it will be hard, hopefully not to the point where I cry but Im ready
Before the glow of my heart yeilds thin to societies call I stand on my own
The last tree to overturn leaves
Bark still ripe with liquid air and leaves still filled with plunder, experience and serenity.
Not the insensitive Black woman but a courageous ball of fire that knows where she stands.
Acknowledging and
Reaping the repercussions of my actions
Taking each day for its own
Ins and outs
October leaves I have been turned over and over
and blown every which way
For when I was trully up I looked down instead of opening my arms
I believe God wants me to be in a happy place.
As I sit here listening to the oldie "This will be"
I can't find one thing that is wrong with my life
The cool sunset warming my beating melody
The gentle thrash of the wind threatening to grow with each passing second
Just challenges to
over come
Now every mountain prepares me for the next one
Every pissed off Black lady or manipulative white dude
Prepares me for the real sharks of the world
I learned my skin needed to be thicker yesterday...
I know it will be hard, hopefully not to the point where I cry but Im ready
Before the glow of my heart yeilds thin to societies call I stand on my own
The last tree to overturn leaves
Bark still ripe with liquid air and leaves still filled with plunder, experience and serenity.
Not the insensitive Black woman but a courageous ball of fire that knows where she stands.
Acknowledging and
Reaping the repercussions of my actions
Taking each day for its own

growing up.,
learn. love,
9/24/09 =)
Guess what!?
I have been recognized!!!
What other way then on a fashion blog?? Sorry no active teens making waves blog (lol) yet!
EXERT from
Hey Guys!
Our Bombshell of the Day is cutie Nicole from South Carolina!
She says, “I would love to be your Fashion Bombshell of the Day because I’ve always had a love for fashion even …
Read the full story » Home » Fashion Bombshell of the Day, Real Style
Fashion Bombshell of the Day : Nicole from South Carolina
Submitted by Claire on September 24, 2009 – 12:07 pm13 Comments
Hey Guys!
Our Bombshell of the Day is cutie Nicole from South Carolina!

She says, “I would love to be your Fashion Bombshell of the Day because I’ve always had a love for fashion even at a very young age (I’m 17)!”

“…I love to add funky pieces to my wardrobe and be my own person. I have a very unique style!”

Hey Nicole! Love your hairstyle and your tee selection! You have such an easy, effortless style!
What do you guys think?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature that showcases the singular style and flair of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, and Fashion Bombshell of the Day Picture to
Popularity: 1% [?]
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beautifuldaidreamer says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:13 pm
Beautiful girl. She has a cute, fun, and tasteful style. Love to see young ladies dressed like ladies. Good job Nicole!
Dobe says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Couldn’t agree more! Cute stuff, Nicole!
Blessed but still stressed! says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:41 pm
Super Cute style and a gorgeous smile!
GangStarr Girl says:
September 24, 2009 at 2:26 pm
She’s adorable. I especially love that first tee. Super cute!
kailee says:
September 24, 2009 at 2:32 pm
i think you have great style, and i love your haircut!
sun.kissed says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:08 pm
nina says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:15 pm
loving the tees
Monie says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:18 pm
Go Girl!
Model Liberation says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:20 pm
I love seeing a beauty from my home state representing for the rest of us. Bellissima!
Jamie says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:22 pm
Awesome!!!I so agree with my dear Model Liberation!!! There is great things about South Carolina…Her look is no “LIE”!!!
toi says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:28 pm
Modelliberation sent me over, miss nicole deinitely deserves the title fashionbomb. adorable style. ive had my eye on the hk ‘talknerdytome” tee. cute!
Bri.Michelle says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:41 pm
Velvet says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:46 pm
Go’on lil mama! You better work!
You should consider working on being a stylist now, unless you have other aspirations. :)
On top of this (GREAT NEWS) I have had a blessed day, did some food shopping, remembered my bank number (thank God), got my nails done and am now going out without breaking my budget!!!
What a day! =)
** I want to write blogs via texts!!!
live nik_gold
I have been recognized!!!
What other way then on a fashion blog?? Sorry no active teens making waves blog (lol) yet!
EXERT from
Hey Guys!
Our Bombshell of the Day is cutie Nicole from South Carolina!
She says, “I would love to be your Fashion Bombshell of the Day because I’ve always had a love for fashion even …
Read the full story » Home » Fashion Bombshell of the Day, Real Style
Fashion Bombshell of the Day : Nicole from South Carolina
Submitted by Claire on September 24, 2009 – 12:07 pm13 Comments
Hey Guys!
Our Bombshell of the Day is cutie Nicole from South Carolina!

She says, “I would love to be your Fashion Bombshell of the Day because I’ve always had a love for fashion even at a very young age (I’m 17)!”

“…I love to add funky pieces to my wardrobe and be my own person. I have a very unique style!”

Hey Nicole! Love your hairstyle and your tee selection! You have such an easy, effortless style!
What do you guys think?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature that showcases the singular style and flair of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, and Fashion Bombshell of the Day Picture to
Popularity: 1% [?]
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beautifuldaidreamer says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:13 pm
Beautiful girl. She has a cute, fun, and tasteful style. Love to see young ladies dressed like ladies. Good job Nicole!
Dobe says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Couldn’t agree more! Cute stuff, Nicole!
Blessed but still stressed! says:
September 24, 2009 at 12:41 pm
Super Cute style and a gorgeous smile!
GangStarr Girl says:
September 24, 2009 at 2:26 pm
She’s adorable. I especially love that first tee. Super cute!
kailee says:
September 24, 2009 at 2:32 pm
i think you have great style, and i love your haircut!
sun.kissed says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:08 pm
nina says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:15 pm
loving the tees
Monie says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:18 pm
Go Girl!
Model Liberation says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:20 pm
I love seeing a beauty from my home state representing for the rest of us. Bellissima!
Jamie says:
September 24, 2009 at 3:22 pm
Awesome!!!I so agree with my dear Model Liberation!!! There is great things about South Carolina…Her look is no “LIE”!!!
toi says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:28 pm
Modelliberation sent me over, miss nicole deinitely deserves the title fashionbomb. adorable style. ive had my eye on the hk ‘talknerdytome” tee. cute!
Bri.Michelle says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:41 pm
Velvet says:
September 24, 2009 at 5:46 pm
Go’on lil mama! You better work!
You should consider working on being a stylist now, unless you have other aspirations. :)
On top of this (GREAT NEWS) I have had a blessed day, did some food shopping, remembered my bank number (thank God), got my nails done and am now going out without breaking my budget!!!
What a day! =)
** I want to write blogs via texts!!!
live nik_gold
Two Bee Reel
So I was asked today to be real...
I thought I was being real...
I have always considered myself to be a real person with real thoughts to be displayed in a civil yet realistic way though I do hesitate when knowing the answer will hurt.
Who wouldn't? Im a human being, yeah one with faults and all.
A human being that questions herself, her questioning herself and why she is the way she is which is a deeper version of one questioning herself.
I am trying to get hardened by the world but not to the point where people are like "what a bitch".
I just hate being hurt.
Yes I've been hurt before and if I choose to move forward with anyone I need to re-step... my steps.
If possible of course. I am
I do human things and think human thoughts.
I know Im weird but thats just the way I was raised right? Am I a special case? <<< me questioning myself is not a road you want to travel.
I have been crazy busy and that is why I have faltered in my othe to blog everyday but Ill try to keep up. I'm getting tired of uploading everyones pictures on FB too! Aren't they tired of people tracking them? Don't they want to fall of the face off the Earth and see who will follow??
Or thats just a me
I realized in my posts (reading back which I hate to do because I slightly embarrass myself) that I used to write a lot of poetry not so much on this site but the little posts stem from long pages thousands of texts and convos and random little thoughts. And then
A random poem on a random page with a random a-title.
Don't you love it?
You would if it were you're baby.. which has me tripping.
But then again I am a Pisces.
I thought I was being real...
I have always considered myself to be a real person with real thoughts to be displayed in a civil yet realistic way though I do hesitate when knowing the answer will hurt.
Who wouldn't? Im a human being, yeah one with faults and all.
A human being that questions herself, her questioning herself and why she is the way she is which is a deeper version of one questioning herself.
I am trying to get hardened by the world but not to the point where people are like "what a bitch".
I just hate being hurt.
Yes I've been hurt before and if I choose to move forward with anyone I need to re-step... my steps.
If possible of course. I am
I do human things and think human thoughts.
I know Im weird but thats just the way I was raised right? Am I a special case? <<< me questioning myself is not a road you want to travel.
I have been crazy busy and that is why I have faltered in my othe to blog everyday but Ill try to keep up. I'm getting tired of uploading everyones pictures on FB too! Aren't they tired of people tracking them? Don't they want to fall of the face off the Earth and see who will follow??
Or thats just a me
I realized in my posts (reading back which I hate to do because I slightly embarrass myself) that I used to write a lot of poetry not so much on this site but the little posts stem from long pages thousands of texts and convos and random little thoughts. And then
A random poem on a random page with a random a-title.
Don't you love it?
You would if it were you're baby.. which has me tripping.
But then again I am a Pisces.
back in the day,
crazy ugh,
love newborn,
That was...
Well I'm still trying to get Beyonce's, Pink's and Jay-z's VMA's Performance on this page but WOW.
VMA's could have been tighter, more control over their microphones, their time management and their commercials!! Lord
ANd what happened to Trey Songz, Soulja Boy (you never know), Geunine for my R&B if your going to have a Rock section, Rihanna, Keri Hilson, Maroon 5 and Jennifer Hudson. What is going on??
Whats with Lady Gaga outfits, i guess if sitting behind Beyonce you have to do it big.
Eminem was given his due rights and Serena comes on Im thinking she was going to hit a few tennis balls ( not like the way she was dressed)
Pink entertained us upside wow.
Well until I get the videos.
VMA's could have been tighter, more control over their microphones, their time management and their commercials!! Lord
ANd what happened to Trey Songz, Soulja Boy (you never know), Geunine for my R&B if your going to have a Rock section, Rihanna, Keri Hilson, Maroon 5 and Jennifer Hudson. What is going on??
Whats with Lady Gaga outfits, i guess if sitting behind Beyonce you have to do it big.
Eminem was given his due rights and Serena comes on Im thinking she was going to hit a few tennis balls ( not like the way she was dressed)
Pink entertained us upside wow.
Well until I get the videos.
You already KNOW!
You already know
My heart fluttered this actually looks like it will be as good as the book.
I WILL be watching this pronto!!!
ugh love!
Its even more potent I have something new from Twilight because I only have 50 pages left of the LAST book of the series. I don't want to finish it!!
Im trying to get the beyonce grand performance from VMAs up as Im typing this,
learn. love,
new moon,
twilight series
Surprise Surprise VMAs
Well after I was already surprised enough that Taylor Swift won female video over who I really (I mean rrreallyyyy) thought would win (Lady GaGa) Kanye West makes an apperance. Not like Beyonce pan-to-face to see the reaction but on stage... next to Taylor.. with the microphone in his hand. Ranting, he said he was going to give the microphone back but Beyonce had the best video ever. etc! Basically dismissing Taylor from her even win. What the hell is going on in the world?? SInce when do random artist (not even the runner -ups) appear on stage voicing their opinion???
That is what a blog is for.
Im so shocked at someone who could be so class-less or like my mother says (on edge) but that can make or break you especially when you are not defined as a idol yet, Your no Michael Jackson and even he was accused or going over board.
Kanye West is a repeat offender
Serena Williams.

WHY? Are all black celebrities going overboard? Since when do we become babbling fouled-mouthed babies when not getting our way??, especially on court! Lose, go home and take it out on your mesuise (sound it out) or night out with drinks. Why are we losing, class dignity and a sense of respect?? I looked up to Serena and Kanye (for different reasons of course).
We already had Chris take a fall (Brown).
Michael Vick, Whitney Houston JUST got back into the game.
Not even to let my edge were off Lady GaGa begins her apperance with a bang but I wasn't even in the building totally at the time. Lady GaGa was enought, constantly changing and her apperances being rather random.
The head short guy of Green Day being a tad bit over board daring to take off the tape from his shirt. (UGH)
He later made a really a great memorable perfomance =?
But I didn't make it to the middle of the show yet!!!
I congratulate sanity nowadays, tired of randomness and the name phrase "swag"!
Beyonce STILL won video of the yer. Like she was going to in the first place and she even let Taylor come out and finish her speech.
please prove me wrong Beyonce near perfect?
live_gold please!!!
Well after I was already surprised enough that Taylor Swift won female video over who I really (I mean rrreallyyyy) thought would win (Lady GaGa) Kanye West makes an apperance. Not like Beyonce pan-to-face to see the reaction but on stage... next to Taylor.. with the microphone in his hand. Ranting, he said he was going to give the microphone back but Beyonce had the best video ever. etc! Basically dismissing Taylor from her even win. What the hell is going on in the world?? SInce when do random artist (not even the runner -ups) appear on stage voicing their opinion???
That is what a blog is for.
Im so shocked at someone who could be so class-less or like my mother says (on edge) but that can make or break you especially when you are not defined as a idol yet, Your no Michael Jackson and even he was accused or going over board.
Kanye West is a repeat offender
Serena Williams.

WHY? Are all black celebrities going overboard? Since when do we become babbling fouled-mouthed babies when not getting our way??, especially on court! Lose, go home and take it out on your mesuise (sound it out) or night out with drinks. Why are we losing, class dignity and a sense of respect?? I looked up to Serena and Kanye (for different reasons of course).
We already had Chris take a fall (Brown).
Michael Vick, Whitney Houston JUST got back into the game.
Not even to let my edge were off Lady GaGa begins her apperance with a bang but I wasn't even in the building totally at the time. Lady GaGa was enought, constantly changing and her apperances being rather random.
The head short guy of Green Day being a tad bit over board daring to take off the tape from his shirt. (UGH)
He later made a really a great memorable perfomance =?
But I didn't make it to the middle of the show yet!!!
I congratulate sanity nowadays, tired of randomness and the name phrase "swag"!
Beyonce STILL won video of the yer. Like she was going to in the first place and she even let Taylor come out and finish her speech.
please prove me wrong Beyonce near perfect?
live_gold please!!!
a lot,
rude awakening
Even ice pricked pages turn...
Usually when my friend tells me news it must be NEWS, he usually doesn't tell me useless randomness unless were in that kind of moment.
Not today ugh! He told me he is currently talking to someone...Take back the ugh, so my feelings aren't entirely put out there. Im absolutely happy, that he's happy. While texting my response back to him however, a pit grew in my stomach and I soooo wasn't feeling the text anymore. I hate those love stories (trust me not hinting at anything like that) but when they blow something off as if it doesn't hurt them and the person goes on with their life. Only if they would have told them how much they meant to them and just let them in on a portion of their feelings things would have worked out differently.
Not saying that anyone would change and I'm not currently or at all for that matter become the love of his life but feelings this way.. Is that a true friend to be sort of unrealistically happy yet cautioned and very surpised so that what I really want to say is sort of frosted over? If that made ANY sense I hope you know where I'm coming from now. I'm a REALIST, I stay positive throughout the day but prepare myself for the worst which so far has never happened. This incident hit close to home and I'm wondering.. why is my throat dry? I feel like I have to swallow a tennis ball deep in my chest and my eyes are watering and burning like cutting onions. I'm not going to cry.... oh! There you go.. just had to blink. I forget sometimes.. JOKE! Well since that situation won't resolve itself I can only depend on life's time, practice and effort and realize how many people in the world I haven't met yet that are compatible, will hurt me and ultimately make me stronger. Especially since again in two years I plan on attending Howard and then graduate school (which preferably is not a HBCU) Wait!!! Before you judge. lol I just need diversity I liked that about VOX (the teen newspaper I wrote for), I LOVE that about the world and it is my main reason for begging my mom to let me travel soon in the future (yay!) I would have went to two HBCUs by the time I graduate Howard. geeeez! What a way to climb to the top!
Part II
My Blatant Addiction
I've been reading Twilight.. Lets say since this year BEFORE the movie came out before I knew I was going to see it, but certainly not before they started producing it.... hmmm I wonder when exactly. Well anyways, I'm on the fourth book.
I don't want to force you to read the book but if you do like a book that is page-turning, bonds you to the book, the characters and the world they live in so much so that you wish the book was reality even with all the problems then this is the book for you.
If you want a book that IS better, dear I say than ALL Harry Potter Books then yes Twilight is for you. Trust, I was on team Harry before I actually read the book because The Harry Potter series was good as well and they satisfied me with only seven books (like thats not a lot!!! Hundreds if not thousands of pgs per book). They're like fairy tale bibles in a way. The two books together both authors are females, not trying to empower my sex in anyway but YES! I love it, how we as women can simplify life into pages to be easily understood by any hands it passes through. For me and my sister and whoever else read like us to not put the book down until finished, halfway through or a really good dent in the 800+ pages of the book. To not even know time was passing in human life but only in the book however fast or slow time seems to pass in the pages.
To captivate me to the point where when I finished book three of Twilight which ended on a note I didn't like to be in a mini depressed state until I bought and started reading the fourth and final book. To the point where I read the third book of Harry Potter OVER to understand the fourth one. To the point where I bribed my sister into telling me key points no matter how it fastforwarded the story because my throat was stuck, heart beating right out of my chest and my emotions taking over like a bad wave to a broken boat.
Though I wasn't the type to get read books when I was little in bed, I wouldn't mind reading books to my children (ew way to far) but for real, I am determined to write a book as addictive, heart pounding and tenaciously breath-taking as the ones I have come across in my lifetime. I still remember such books as Bad Monkey by Matt Ruff, Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson and even Sex, Murder and a Double Latte by Kyra Davis which my mom undecided about because of the title.
It's rather funny when I could have went in the direction of Jerome Dickey and onlyyyy Black Expression Books, I instead ventured off into the book section that was way too big for me. No pictures here or pages torn out and no more food and other questionable mysterious imprints on these pages! Just all book! I do sort of miss library books though, St. Albans Library, Queens Library the one in Elmont off Merrick Blvd, the smell of used books!!!! Aw Queens!
But back on subject. =) Because I choose the route of abnormal books or just books people wouldn't always pick up, I got the book that a year later became best selling book of the year, the gold retriever that wasn't all the way out the box yet, the treasures in the midst of trash and I was determined to be as intriguing as the minds who developed those books. ___________________ by Nicole Ayilola
With by bio on the slip of my harder cover book adorned by awards and appraisal by the New York Times and everyone else!
I will one day...

Not today ugh! He told me he is currently talking to someone...Take back the ugh, so my feelings aren't entirely put out there. Im absolutely happy, that he's happy. While texting my response back to him however, a pit grew in my stomach and I soooo wasn't feeling the text anymore. I hate those love stories (trust me not hinting at anything like that) but when they blow something off as if it doesn't hurt them and the person goes on with their life. Only if they would have told them how much they meant to them and just let them in on a portion of their feelings things would have worked out differently.
Not saying that anyone would change and I'm not currently or at all for that matter become the love of his life but feelings this way.. Is that a true friend to be sort of unrealistically happy yet cautioned and very surpised so that what I really want to say is sort of frosted over? If that made ANY sense I hope you know where I'm coming from now. I'm a REALIST, I stay positive throughout the day but prepare myself for the worst which so far has never happened. This incident hit close to home and I'm wondering.. why is my throat dry? I feel like I have to swallow a tennis ball deep in my chest and my eyes are watering and burning like cutting onions. I'm not going to cry.... oh! There you go.. just had to blink. I forget sometimes.. JOKE! Well since that situation won't resolve itself I can only depend on life's time, practice and effort and realize how many people in the world I haven't met yet that are compatible, will hurt me and ultimately make me stronger. Especially since again in two years I plan on attending Howard and then graduate school (which preferably is not a HBCU) Wait!!! Before you judge. lol I just need diversity I liked that about VOX (the teen newspaper I wrote for), I LOVE that about the world and it is my main reason for begging my mom to let me travel soon in the future (yay!) I would have went to two HBCUs by the time I graduate Howard. geeeez! What a way to climb to the top!
Part II
My Blatant Addiction
I've been reading Twilight.. Lets say since this year BEFORE the movie came out before I knew I was going to see it, but certainly not before they started producing it.... hmmm I wonder when exactly. Well anyways, I'm on the fourth book.
I don't want to force you to read the book but if you do like a book that is page-turning, bonds you to the book, the characters and the world they live in so much so that you wish the book was reality even with all the problems then this is the book for you.
If you want a book that IS better, dear I say than ALL Harry Potter Books then yes Twilight is for you. Trust, I was on team Harry before I actually read the book because The Harry Potter series was good as well and they satisfied me with only seven books (like thats not a lot!!! Hundreds if not thousands of pgs per book). They're like fairy tale bibles in a way. The two books together both authors are females, not trying to empower my sex in anyway but YES! I love it, how we as women can simplify life into pages to be easily understood by any hands it passes through. For me and my sister and whoever else read like us to not put the book down until finished, halfway through or a really good dent in the 800+ pages of the book. To not even know time was passing in human life but only in the book however fast or slow time seems to pass in the pages.
To captivate me to the point where when I finished book three of Twilight which ended on a note I didn't like to be in a mini depressed state until I bought and started reading the fourth and final book. To the point where I read the third book of Harry Potter OVER to understand the fourth one. To the point where I bribed my sister into telling me key points no matter how it fastforwarded the story because my throat was stuck, heart beating right out of my chest and my emotions taking over like a bad wave to a broken boat.
Though I wasn't the type to get read books when I was little in bed, I wouldn't mind reading books to my children (ew way to far) but for real, I am determined to write a book as addictive, heart pounding and tenaciously breath-taking as the ones I have come across in my lifetime. I still remember such books as Bad Monkey by Matt Ruff, Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson and even Sex, Murder and a Double Latte by Kyra Davis which my mom undecided about because of the title.
It's rather funny when I could have went in the direction of Jerome Dickey and onlyyyy Black Expression Books, I instead ventured off into the book section that was way too big for me. No pictures here or pages torn out and no more food and other questionable mysterious imprints on these pages! Just all book! I do sort of miss library books though, St. Albans Library, Queens Library the one in Elmont off Merrick Blvd, the smell of used books!!!! Aw Queens!
But back on subject. =) Because I choose the route of abnormal books or just books people wouldn't always pick up, I got the book that a year later became best selling book of the year, the gold retriever that wasn't all the way out the box yet, the treasures in the midst of trash and I was determined to be as intriguing as the minds who developed those books. ___________________ by Nicole Ayilola
With by bio on the slip of my harder cover book adorned by awards and appraisal by the New York Times and everyone else!
I will one day...

gold welcome,
No Weave No Glory!
So tyra did a segment on weave on her show and actually showed herself weaveless and might I say I WAS preparing myself for the worst... BUT
All is well!
She has a big forhead like we all imagined but her hair is healthy a good length and pretty color/tone that most of her frequently worn lace front wigs are anyways. I love that on her show no matter how unoriginal her topics seem to be she seems to be real about what she does put out there.
Here is her video with her real hair!
Tyra's hair styled =)

What do you think?
All is well!
She has a big forhead like we all imagined but her hair is healthy a good length and pretty color/tone that most of her frequently worn lace front wigs are anyways. I love that on her show no matter how unoriginal her topics seem to be she seems to be real about what she does put out there.
Here is her video with her real hair!
Tyra's hair styled =)

What do you think?
Hometown Glorified

Do we like these??
Maybe with an outfit along the lines of...

or even with pants instead of the slingback wooden heels I have on here...

But anywho! How was your weekend?
I'm actually headed back to school tomorrow and... I'm torn! Im going to miss my room my house, my MOM

(I know, this was at the Carribean Festival Sunday which was okie OVERPRICED but okie none the less!)
and my dog Miley..

(lets not forget atl in general). Absoluely no comparison to any part in SC, ugh! But I make it work as always! My weekend has actually been pretty good.

Was with Danny from FAMU for most of it (Had to wear my would-have-been schools' hoodie!.. psst!).( Excuse the largeness of the photos you get the gist!) =) We enjoyed ourselfs though, had a drink or two, ate out visited famous Stonecrest =/ lol. I ACTUALLY planned to spend this weekend with the people I came down with.. but I guess that was a sign...
I actually cant wait to get back to school to make sure my schedule will be in order because I'm pretty sure Ill be an extra busy freshman!

Its like magic, magic lotion. SO light Itsnot even there. Oh! Can you hear me? I sound like a commercial. This is the next step to no makeup ever! But really use your fingertips on problem areas and BLAM! Flawless skin
And its 50% water. WOW. I bought it a couple days ago and have been in love ever since. Best Maybelline product I've used so far. Try the shade closest to you, it'll do the rest!

Remember live_gold
love nik_gold =)
I don't walk alone on campus much. That'll change, I realized Im in college and I'd rather have people think I'm older than younger. I'm in college and wanted to take pix of my many outfits but realized I have nooooo time, NO time. I'm in college and realized I'm on my own. Noone will look out for me, even though the school is small noone is going to say, "Hey where is Nicole?"
I can stop being so damn friendly to people, Orientation week is over. My morning texts will still vibrate through people's phone in the morning just for the fact that it centers me too. Im gonna stop hanging out with the same people, they're cool and be my sisters for the rest of the year because theyre so damn cool but I got to open my circle more or I'll die, yes even to boys. Im srry but doing this radio thing I need to make way more male friends then the ones I think are gay but can't completely dress so I'm utterly confused on their sexually preference...
On the topic on sexes...
Even though I may think people can see through my facade of being very self concious I'll have to get over that because time is money and I've wasted the past 3 weeks being Nicole instead of Nik_gold. Nik_gold is going to conquer this campus. Small little Claflina and I thought I could make it to Howard, thank the Lord Jesus I differed that acceptance. Im about to hulu Wendy Williams and Chelsea Handler, take a double dosage of my happy pills wish I had some to chase it down ( I kid) maybe not but who cares! I do. I haven't been to a party since I've been here. Everyone else has had an outlet and Im preparing byself to stay in SC for labor day... UGH! But maybe not.. there are some concerts going on, and you all know Id rather over dress then under.
Im also going to be more confident, that includes the traveling on my own because I guess people are scared, defensive of some people I walk with, w.e just expand my friend circle or whatever, but Ill be strong if their 3 wk friendship falls through. Example A: I met this tour guide in May when I initionally came and dont get the thought in your mind he is worth a blog he is just an example at how loose my networking skills are I cant be nice Nikki all the time I gotta sink my teeth into some people and let them know... Cause aparently they don't be knowing. (ew) lol
Forreal thoe!
Now tomorrow I got to get my ish in order I cant be walking around campus like Madonna without a head or Angela Jolie without a cause!!!
First Step: Deep, hot soothing shower... in the community shower providing by Claflin of course. =)
I can stop being so damn friendly to people, Orientation week is over. My morning texts will still vibrate through people's phone in the morning just for the fact that it centers me too. Im gonna stop hanging out with the same people, they're cool and be my sisters for the rest of the year because theyre so damn cool but I got to open my circle more or I'll die, yes even to boys. Im srry but doing this radio thing I need to make way more male friends then the ones I think are gay but can't completely dress so I'm utterly confused on their sexually preference...
On the topic on sexes...
Even though I may think people can see through my facade of being very self concious I'll have to get over that because time is money and I've wasted the past 3 weeks being Nicole instead of Nik_gold. Nik_gold is going to conquer this campus. Small little Claflina and I thought I could make it to Howard, thank the Lord Jesus I differed that acceptance. Im about to hulu Wendy Williams and Chelsea Handler, take a double dosage of my happy pills wish I had some to chase it down ( I kid) maybe not but who cares! I do. I haven't been to a party since I've been here. Everyone else has had an outlet and Im preparing byself to stay in SC for labor day... UGH! But maybe not.. there are some concerts going on, and you all know Id rather over dress then under.
Im also going to be more confident, that includes the traveling on my own because I guess people are scared, defensive of some people I walk with, w.e just expand my friend circle or whatever, but Ill be strong if their 3 wk friendship falls through. Example A: I met this tour guide in May when I initionally came and dont get the thought in your mind he is worth a blog he is just an example at how loose my networking skills are I cant be nice Nikki all the time I gotta sink my teeth into some people and let them know... Cause aparently they don't be knowing. (ew) lol
Forreal thoe!
Now tomorrow I got to get my ish in order I cant be walking around campus like Madonna without a head or Angela Jolie without a cause!!!
First Step: Deep, hot soothing shower... in the community shower providing by Claflin of course. =)
cared for,
growing up.,
learn. love,
personal experience.,
Mogul business
I am in love with selections from people's outfits that make a statement or STATEMENT PIECES. Fall is on its way and becoming professional for college or even work is a good look.
So I was browsing on my favorite fashion blog
and something blue, new and *wonderful* popped up. An updated pic slip on fashion items to help you become a MOGUL or at least look like one!

C'N'C' COSTUME NATIONAL Womens' suit $490 $196

Satin platform pump $59 $44

Boyfriend Blazer $120 – Topshop

Inheritance Pencil Skirt $88 $49.99

Nyla Sage Zipper Flower Platform Pump $105 $79.95

Two-tone sleeveless sheath dress SALE $49–54

Lip Gloss- Juicy Peach .5 oz. $7 – Macy's

Longchamp 'Le Pliage - Mini' Two Tone Tote $98 – Nordstrom

Zebra Trench Coat $34.80 – Forever 21

Seychelles On The Wire Suede Platform Pump $110 $69.95

L'Oreal Light Softening Blush $11.99 – Ulta

LOVE MOSCHINO Capes $130 – Yoox

Sequin Chain Bracelet $58 – Nordstrom

Givenchy Eyebrow Show Powdery Eyebrow Pencil $22 – Sephora

LIVIANA CONTI Capes $112 – Yoox

Lauren by Ralph Lauren Hammered Hoop Earrings $32 – Nordstrom
Think ahead! Fashiontrends waits for noone! Develop your own unique style and work with it!!!
They Have!

So go forth fellow fashion shoppers and do wonders with this deals under $200!!
So I was browsing on my favorite fashion blog
and something blue, new and *wonderful* popped up. An updated pic slip on fashion items to help you become a MOGUL or at least look like one!

C'N'C' COSTUME NATIONAL Womens' suit $490 $196

Satin platform pump $59 $44

Boyfriend Blazer $120 – Topshop

Inheritance Pencil Skirt $88 $49.99

Nyla Sage Zipper Flower Platform Pump $105 $79.95

Two-tone sleeveless sheath dress SALE $49–54

Lip Gloss- Juicy Peach .5 oz. $7 – Macy's

Longchamp 'Le Pliage - Mini' Two Tone Tote $98 – Nordstrom

Zebra Trench Coat $34.80 – Forever 21

Seychelles On The Wire Suede Platform Pump $110 $69.95

L'Oreal Light Softening Blush $11.99 – Ulta

LOVE MOSCHINO Capes $130 – Yoox

Sequin Chain Bracelet $58 – Nordstrom

Givenchy Eyebrow Show Powdery Eyebrow Pencil $22 – Sephora

LIVIANA CONTI Capes $112 – Yoox

Lauren by Ralph Lauren Hammered Hoop Earrings $32 – Nordstrom
Think ahead! Fashion
They Have!

So go forth fellow fashion shoppers and do wonders with this deals under $200!!
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